Future appointments can be made to see Dr. Gaynor at Colorado Animal Specialty and Emergency (CASE) in Boulder by calling 303-545-2273
If you are having problems making an appointment at CASE, you can contact the following person directly:
Jessica Sanchez jessica.sanchez@coloradoanimalspecialty.com
Anesthesia and Pain Management Consultations via Web Are still being offered
Note : This service is only for veterinary professionals and not for pet owners. If you are a pet owner, please contact your
These services include:
- Assessment of pain disorder based on patient history, pathophysiology and response to analgesic and other therapies
- Novel approaches to analgesic therapy
- Short and long term analgesia recommendations appropriate to the patient and owner
Before a consultation can be performed, a doctor / clinic / hospital must fill out the consultation form online. We will bill you via SQUAREUP.com Please note that we no longer provide consultation via fax, except when prior arrangements have been made.
Most requests are completed by the next morning. Routine consultations received after 5PM Friday should have replies by 8 AM Tuesday.
Requests which require immediate response must be phoned in. All times are Mountain Standard Time.
Routine Consultations – $60
Phone Consultation – $75
STAT, evening, weekend consultations – $100